Family Portraits Review - "He took some of the most amazing pictures"


“Val is a personal friend of my family's and is known in the industry for his way with young children. When he 1st met my daughter she was less than 1 and wasn't too keen on him. He never gave up trying to make friends with her and around her 1st birthday they became best friends. He did the honors of taking our family photo last year that would be our Christmas card photo. We had seen him a few days before our shoot was scheduled and he had grown some facial hair. My daughter was back to not liking him. The day of our shoot arrived and wouldn't you know it, he showed up clean-shaven and they were friends again. You know you have a great photographer when they will change their appearance for your shy daughter. He took some of the most amazing pictures of the 3 of us and I have gotten nothing but compliments on them. Hopefully he'll be back in Montana this coming fall and do us the honor of capturing our little family again for this years Christmas card photo. We love you Mr. Val!".

~ Launi Stocks

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