The Hayden Family Makes A Splash With The Ultimate Family Portrait Session

The Hayden Family Makes A Splash With The Ultimate Family Portrait Session

Every time that we update the Hayden’s family portrait, we use their beautiful home and we always end up with amazing accomplishments.

Lori Hayden had three things that she was hoping to accomplish for this years portrait session. Her son’s high school senior portraits, update a special moment with her daughter and her horse (taken ten years ago,) as well as an update of their family portrait. So, my goal was to pack three photo sessions into one.

I was so eager to share this experience, so you get to see their family portraits straight out of camera.

We started with Charlie’s high school senior pictures. Here are a few of his mom’s favorites. Charlie is such a great person. Besides being super handsome, he is really down to earth and loves his fa

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Aria's Eight days old Newborn photography portrait session

Aria's Eight days old Newborn photography portrait session

Brand new Aria was such an angel during her newborn photography shoot. She only had to be fed twice during this special photo session. Aria stayed calm, happy and asleep most of the session. Both of her parents were on the sidelines with blankets, family heirloom props, little outfits and fresh flowers.
Stephanie and I first met Aria's mom Lauren a few months ago, as she needed headshots for a collages alumni magazine. We were so excited to find out that she wanted us to photograph her soon to be newborn.

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