Equestrian Portrait Photographer
Portrait Photography For Every Stage Of Your Personal And Business Life
Serving Families and Business Professionals since 1994
Reno, Nevada • Sparks, Nevada
Lake Tahoe, Nevada • OC, California
Equestrian Photography Gallery
Val & Stephanie Westover
Video of hundreds of Montana Horses running in slow motion

Video of Val photographing an Orange County, California equestrian family

Your family and friends will Rant & Rave over your Equestrian Portraits!
You'll be walked through the entire process of your photo session and taken great care of every step of the way. Besides having an awesome experience, you're going to love your Equestrian photos and they will become some of the most important memories for you, your family and your friends.
"Talent is a gift. Val you were born with the
gift of capturing the story through your
— Michelle Shurtleff